There are a host of reasons why a non-swimmer parent should consider taking adult swim lessons. Water is a kid magnet. Due to that fact, drowning is the leading cause of death among children. Anyone with kids will soon find their children want to be in or around water in some way or another at some point. That might be at a pool, a water park, lake, river, beach, you name it: Kids are almost certainly going to find themselves near water. Accordingly, adults with kids (especially young children) need to know how to swim so they can best protect their children.

Risks and Inconveniences
I have an uncle who cannot swim. He grew up far from water, didn’t go to pools as a kid, and so he simply never learned how to swim. When he became an adult, life got busy and so he never took the time to learn. Naturally, individuals who don’t swim feel some apprehension around water. But none of these things were ever really a problem for my uncle... until he had kids.
Throw some kids in the picture (kids who absolutely loved the water) and now there are some issues. Imagine the inconvenience of being a parent of kids who love water, but being unable to swim. When water activities were scheduled, you’d have to make other arrangements. There are missed opportunities you can’t get back. When your family plans a week-long cruise to the Caribbean, you’ll spend those seven days apprehensive and nervous. But most importantly, if your kid is ever in danger in the water, you won’t be ready to help. Accidents happen and sometimes things get out of your control. If you somehow find yourself in a situation requiring you to swim, you’ll be forever grateful you took that time. For kids and adults alike, I always say it’s better to know how to swim and not need to than to need to swim and not know how to.
Don’t Pass the Buck
I’ve had too many conversations with non-swimmer parents who have said something like, “I’ll just make sure my kids know to swim so they are independent and don’t need my help.” While I’m all about helping kids become independent and self-sufficient, there’s a stark reality parents need to understand: Kids are never 100% water safe. They will never be “drown-proof.”
I remember working as a lifeguard on a hot summer’s day when I noticed a child near the water slide struggling to keep his head above water. I quickly blew my whistle and hopped into the water. As I swam towards the child, he slipped underwater completely and disappeared from view. I grabbed him, got his head above water, and swam us both to the deck. When I pulled the child out of the water, I could tell he wasn’t much older than six or seven years old. He cried, coughed, and called out for his mom, who came running up behind us. She hadn’t been watching her son swim, but looked for him when I blew my whistle and saw the rescue. She was hysterical. But she was also confused; she kept talking a mile a minute about how good of a swimmer her son was, how he was on the local swim team, and how they had swam at our pool dozens of time and thought he could take care of himself. In my mind, I knew exactly what happened: She hadn’t been watching because she thought her kid was totally water safe. She thought he was drown proof.
Case in point, if you’re a parent, just imagine how you’d feel if your kid needed you to jump in the water to perform a rescue, but you did not know how to swim. That single reason, in and of itself, should be enough to convince any parent to make sure they know how to swim and be safe in and around water.
Adult Lessons Are Totally Doable
With a private swim lesson package like Sunsational’s, adults can learn to swim in a way that is simple, manageable, and doable. Additionally, private adult swim lessons have a very high rate of success. I’ve never met an adult who couldn’t eventually learn how to swim; it doesn’t take long.
It’s worth the time and worth the investment. Anyone can do it and it’s never too late to start. Even if you’re an adult with a fear of water, I’m willing to guarantee you can learn to swim through private swim lessons with Sunsational. And if you’ve got kids, I’m also willing to say that you should put learning to swim at the top of your list of priorities.
Get started today and hire a private swim instructor to get started with basic swimming skills at your home or community pool!
Sunsational Swim School is the 🥇 #1 rated provider of private, at-home swimming lessons in America. We have specialized swim instructors for students ages 6 months to adult, beginner to advanced. Featured on ABC, CBS, Impact 100, The List and others, Sunsational instructors have a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience, are CPR certified and insured, and have collectively taught over 302,223 lessons for more than 74,415 students nationwide!