Swimming Lessons for Adult Beginners
Let’s face it: if you’re an adult facing your first ever swimming lesson, you’ve probably got some anxiety about what you’re getting yourself into. Don’t.
Let’s face it: if you’re an adult facing your first ever swimming lesson, you’ve probably got some anxiety about what you’re getting yourself into. Don’t.
There are a host of reasons why a non-swimmer parent should consider taking adult swim lessons. Water is a kid magnet. Due to that fact, drowning is the leading cause of death among children. Anyone with kids will soon find their children want to be in or around water in some way or another at some point.
Learning how to float or swim as an adult can be an intimidating task. With a variety of different body shapes, sizes, density, and compositions it might be difficult for some to learn to float than others.
Aqua-phobia, real and terrifying. As a 20-year veteran of swim instruction, I have seen a lot of fear of drowning phobias in children and adults. I've taken courses in psychology and trained with master instructors on how to help clients overcome their fears of the water.
Combat Sidestroke or CSS is taught and developed by The US Navy SEALs by Former Navy SEAL Stew Smith and Terry Laughlin from Total Immersion Swimming. It’s updated from the Traditional Sidestroke to be more relaxing and efficient.
This is a great question, but you likely already know the answer: It depends. The short answer is that I've rarely seen adults take longer than two or three weeks-worth of swim lessons to become functional swimmers. And I've never met an adult who couldn't get there eventually.
Those who can’t, can in the water! An often-overlooked aspect of rehabilitating an injury or getting in shape can be right in your backyard or community center. Aquatic therapy is a form of exercise done in the water to reach physical rehabilitation or exercise performance goals. Aquatic therapy can be performed in a variety of settings, such as physical therapy clinics, gyms, and community centers.
New to swimming as an adult? You are not alone. Being in open or deep water can be daunting, intimidating, and thus a difficult decision to undertake. Taking adult swim lessons can open up a new world of adventure, fitness, and could even save your life; particularly if you have any fear or trauma around water. When most people think of swim lessons and swim instruction, they think of small children. However, as an experienced swimming instructor, I have taught and had continued success with all levels of adult swimmers; and it is extraordinarily rewarding for both teacher and student. Out of sheer will, my grandmother learned to swim at 80 years old, overcoming a decades old traumatic near drowning experience in her 20s.
One of the biggest questions that swimmers all over the world frequently ask is, “why did Missy Franklin use a nose clip when other swimmers in the same heat did not?” The answer to this question is simple. Missy Franklin wanted to avoid getting water in her nose and the clip made it easier for her to do so.
The goal of any swim class or lesson is to make the student comfortable in and around water. For adults with a fear of water who want to beat that fear, private swim lessons offer significant advantages over group classes. I’d like to share a few of those with you.
Tips to overcome the fear of embarrassment of learning how to swim as an adult.
Beginner tips for learning how to swim as an adult. Teaching yourself isn't easy, and even harder if you don't know where to start.
Learning how to swim is essential at any age as there could be a situation where your personal safety is in jeopardy. Here are six reasons why swimming lessons are important at any age.
Why should adults who already know how to swim take swim lessons?
If you’ve never learned to swim because you’re afraid to be in or around water, this is for you
If you’ve never learned how to swim, perhaps it’s time you do
Everyone should learn how to swim. And it's never too late to start.
Not knowing how to swim as a parent can be a sensitive topic. Feelings ranging from intense fear, embarrassment and helplessness surround parents inabilities to swim. However, you are not alone and the situation is 100% changeable.
Learning to swim is a challenging task at any change. Here are 5 ways to make it a little easier as an adult.