The 4 Best Pool Thermometers
An important part of pool maintenance is that little pool thermometer. You’ll find them tied to ladders or floating in the middle. With a quick glance at its display, you can know the water’s exact temperature.
An important part of pool maintenance is that little pool thermometer. You’ll find them tied to ladders or floating in the middle. With a quick glance at its display, you can know the water’s exact temperature.
Summer days can certainly stay hot, but the nights can cool off quickly and easily lower the pool temperature. In addition, those who want to keep their pools running year-round in a typically-sunny climate while saving heating costs also need a method to trap this heat. The solution? Solar pool covers.
Summer’s just around the corner, which means it’s the perfect time to shock the pool because algae and other organic material have most likely filled the water––even in covered pools. But where do you start, and what is “shocking” anyway? Here’s the ins-and-outs of pool shock.
Those of you who’ve seen the movie Wall-E may remember how the little robot picks up garbage everywhere. That’s why I refer to these automatic pool cleaners as a “Wall-E vacuum,” but they’re more commonly known as “aqua bots.”
Choosing the best inground pool heater may seem insignificant; as long as it heats the pool, then that’s all that matters––right? Perhaps, if you’re not too worried about cost and just want something to get the job done.
Summer is on its way, and although it’s hot outside, you may wonder if the pool water still needs to stay at a certain temperature. The answer is “yes.”
The average person who swims in a pool just sees a body of water in a concrete shell––but it’s much more than that. In reality, pools are entanglements of parts that make up a system that’s distinguished from open water. The heart of that system is the pump because it helps every part work together.
Let’s face it: those green clumps on your pool wall are a pain to look at and get rid of. However, staying on top of algae growth can be easy with the correct preventative measures. Here are some different ways you can nip that algae growth in the bud.
Do you recall using one of those litmus tests in a middle school science class? You may even remember your teacher using a lemon and a carton of milk as an illustration of acids and bases. That type of litmus test is how pool PH tests work.
Pool care and maintenance is another kind of animal; those who have an aquatics background may be familiar with more advanced aspects of pool care. However, for others, everything might seem completely foreign. Where do you even begin? Knowing what equipment is necessary and why is the best way to start learning the ins-and-outs of backyard pool care. Having these pool essentials will help you get started and keep your pool clean.
If you’ve spent any amount of time in different pools––competitive swimmer or not––you’ve probably noticed that some pools just “feel” different. The water is “softer.” It makes you feel “lighter.” Your eyes “burn” less. And it might even taste like the ocean itself.